June Town Council Meeting
We cordially invite citizens to our upcoming Town Council meeting.

May Town Council Meeting
We cordially invite citizens to our upcoming Town Council meeting.

April Town Council Meeting
We cordially invite citizens to our upcoming Town Council meeting.

March Town Council Meeting
We cordially invite citizens to our upcoming Town Council meeting.

February Town Council Meeting
We cordially invite citizens to our upcoming Town Council meeting.

January Town Council Meeting
We cordially invite citizens to our upcoming Town Council meeting.

December Town Council Meeting
We cordially invite citizens to our upcoming Town Council meeting.

November Town Council Meeting
We cordially invite citizens to our upcoming Town Council meeting.

October Town Council Meeting
We cordially invite citizens to our upcoming Town Council meeting.

September Town Council Meeting
We cordially invite citizens to our upcoming Town Council meeting.

August Town Council Meeting
We cordially invite citizens to our upcoming Town Council meeting.

Budget Workshop
The Clinchco Town Council will meet at the Clinchco Town Hall at 5:30 pm 5/31/2022 for a budget workshop for the FY 22-23 Town budget.

Emergency Meeting
The Mayor for the Town of Clinchco, Virginia has called an emergency meeting for the Clinchco Town Council to meet at the Town Hall, December 23, 2020 commencing at 4:30PM wherein an emergency in the Town of Clinchco will be invoked as a result of the Covid 19 pandemic. The purpose of this special called emergency meeting will be to pass an Ordinance and adopt rules for the continued operation of government operations and business during the continued state of emergency and to discuss the CARES ACT funding.
BY AUTHORITY of Mayor Jarvis Deel

Ervinton District Debate
The Ervinton District Debate will beheld at the Clinchco Town Hall on Tuesday, July 23rd at 6:30 pm. This debate will feature the Ervinton District Board of Supervisor Candidates and School Board Candidates.

Evening with Santa!
Bring the kids down to visit Santa Claus at the Senior Citizens Building to enjoy cake and coffee!

Heritage Spirit Days
Held at Senior Citizen Building, Clinchco; everyone welcome, Food, Door Prizes, Games, and Horseshoe Pitching.

May Public Hearing
We cordially invite citizens to our upcoming public hearing related to the housing committee.

Veterans Day Dinner
The Haysi/Clinchco Lions Club will be hosting a Veterans Day Dinner on November 13th at 5 pm at the Clinchco Senior Citizens Building.

The Town will be holding a dedication to the Veterans Memorial Bridge and the Coal Miners Monument (the new additions) on November 3rd at 1:00 pm.

100th Anniversary
The Town of Clinchco will be celebrating 100 years. Come and celebrate with us September 30th at the Clinchco Ball Field with a car show, live band and concessions.

Meetings & Public Hearing
We'll be holding a meeting about the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) at 5:00pm on the 23rd.

Marquette University Students Visit
Some great news...
*Photo shows the Holy Cross University volunteer group that visited in 2016.