January Minutes





MEMBERS PRESENT:Mayor Jarvis Deel,Trevor Counts, Vice Mayor Ralph Sutherland, Herbert Branham


MEMBERS ABSENT:  Nathan Mullins, Virginia White, Stearl Branham






Call to Order & Welcome by Mayor

Mayor Jarvis Deel welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order and asked for a moment of silence.  


Approval of Minutes

Mayor Jarvis Deel asked if everyone has had time to look at the last minutes and if there is any discussion over the minutes; no discussion was made.  Trevor Counts made a motion to approve the minutes; Herbert Branham seconded the motion; a vote was taken and all members were in favor.


Approval of Treasurers Reports

Mayor Jarvis Deel asked if everyone has had a chance to look at their treasurers’ reports (General and Police Department); and if they have, I would like to ask if anyone has any discussion over the reports; no discussion was made.  Vice Mayor Ralph Sutherland made a motion to approve the treasurer’s reports; Trevor Counts seconded the motion; a vote was taken and all members were in favor.


Mayor Deel asked for any additions to the agenda; no additions were made.  Vice Mayor Ralph Sutherland made a motion to approve the agenda; Herbert Branham seconded the motion; a vote was taken and all members were in favor.

Old Business:

Update on the Bridge:

Mayor Jarvis Deel stated as an update on the bridge up Palmer Street by David Yates; David Yates called and stated he had spoken to VDOT regarding the bridge and it is scheduled for replace in 2019. However, as far as the word replace, he doesn’t know to what extent or what exactly the plans are.


Update on Grant Writer:

Charlotte called us today, she was going to try and come over to the meeting, but due to the weather she was to afraid to come across the mountain. She wants to set up a meeting with me to discuss.  I would like for her to talk to all of us.  She will call back to schedule something. Greg Baker suggested to just re-invite her to the next meeting.  Council agreed to recommend inviting her to the February Meeting.


New Business:

Town of Clinchco Comment Procedure: 

Mayor Jarvis Deel stated on the comment procedure that was discussed a little earlier, I would like to have a motion to renew the vote on it, and for us to follow the Town of Clinchco Comment Procedure. Herbert Branham made the motion to follow the comment procedure; Vice Mayor Ralph Sutherland seconded the motion; a vote was taken and all members were in favor.

Greg Baker stated how we need to do this to be legal; at the beginning of every meeting I will read this to the public.  That these are the rules that the meeting will be governed by.


Ball Field:

Mayor Jarvis Deel stated regarding the ball field; I was called the other day by Savage Service and what they want to doing is cleaning up through the AML.  According to their aerial maps and we all know that the ball field was built on a slate dump and they were wondering if the town, where we own it, might be interested in letting them go up there and get some core samples, and if there is enough in there, he said the town could make a couple hundred thousand dollars. But, in the mean time it will disrupt the ball field, it will tear the buildings down and you will be faced with rebuilding another ball field back. Greg asked would they have to tear anything down to just do the core drilling; Mayor Deel stated no they wouldn’t, Bobby Ketron, is who I talked to.  Council decided to let them come and core drill the ball field to see how much is there and take it from there; Vice Mayor Ralph Sutherland made a motion to allow them to do the core drilling at the ball field; Herbert Branham seconded the motion; a vote was taken and all members were in favor.


Clintwood Rescue Donation:

Mayor Jarvis Deel stated we received a letter from the Clintwood Rescue Department asking for a donation, Mayor Deel read the letter out loud to council.  Herbert Branham made a motion to donate $50.00 to the Clintwood Rescue Department; Vice Mayor Ralph Sutherland seconded the motion; a vote was taken and all members were in favor.


Public Comments:

Mayor Deel asked for public comments; no public comments were made.


Council Comments:

Mayor Deel asked for council comments; Herbert Branham made the statement regarding the Clinchco Church having the dumpster in the parking lot; they want to see if you can get that moved somewhere else.  Mayor Jarvis Deel stated he had already talked to him, and Johnny told him not to worry about it.  They have a conference coming up and I would have to check with Irene about moving that one because that is the senior citizens trash dump and see if we can get it moved until the conference was over and then put it back. Herbert Branham stated that isn’t what he heard.  They told me that they want it permanently moved off of there.  Mayor Deel stated it wasn’t their property and Herbert stated the hard top is their property.  Mayor Deel explained that their property doesn’t run where that can sits, it sits off of the hard top.  It was agreed that Herbert Branham could go back to the person inquiring and recommend that they would need to talk to the county, Board of Supervisors regarding the trash dump, to relocate the trash dump since the county owns the box and the piece of property that the dump sits on.



Trevor Counts made a motion to adjourn; Herbert Branham seconded the motion; a vote was taken and all members were in favor.

Meeting Minutes