June Minutes
MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Jarvis Deel, Vice Mayor Ralph Sutherland, Herbert Branham, Ruby Coleman, Stearl Branham
MEMBERS ABSENT: Trevor Counts, Nathan Mullins
TOWN ATTORNEY: Greg Baker (via telephone)
Call to Order & Welcome by Mayor
Mayor Jarvis Deel welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order and asked for a moment of silence.
Approval of Minutes
Mayor Jarvis Deel asked everyone to review the minutes, and if there were any questions over the minutes; no questions were asked. Mayor Deel asked for a motion to approve the minutes; Ruby Coleman made a motion to approve the minutes; Herbert Branham seconded the motion; a vote was taken and all members were in favor.
Approval of Treasurers Reports
Mayor Jarvis Deel asked for everyone to review the treasurers report. Mayor Deel asked if there were any questions over the treasurers’ reports; no questions were asked; Mayor Deel asked for a motion to approve the treasurers’ reports; Ruby Coleman asked about a voided check and what was it for. Tina stated it was a check that was intended for the Dollar General but was never used and then voided out. Mayor Deel stated if there wasn’t any more questions, he would like to ask for a motion to approve the General and Police Dept reports; Ruby Coleman made a motion to approve both treasurers’ reports; Herbert Branham seconded the motion; a vote was taken and all members were in favor.
Mayor Deel asked for any additions to the agenda; Vice Mayor Ralph Sutherland stated he would like to add going into closed session over personnel matters. Mayor Deel asked if there were any more additions that needed to be added; no other additions were made. Mayor Deel stated if there wasn’t any other additions, I would like for a motion to approve the agenda with the addition of closed session over personnel matters; Vice Mayor Ralph Sutherland made a motion to approve the agenda with the addition of closed session; Herbert Branham seconded the motion; a vote was taken and all members were in favor.
Old Business:
Update on Bridge:
Mayor Deel stated as an update on the bridge going up Palmer Street, I have been talking to the state dept. and what they are going to do is come in and they are hoping to be able to do this by early August, or middle of August that’s when they will be taking the whole bridge up and they will shut the road down for 3 days, and then replace the whole bridge, and in the meantime we would detour traffic around Gilmore Street.
New Business:
Closed Session:
Mayor Jarvis Deel asked for a motion to go into closed session according to code 2.2-3711 for discussion of personnel and also number 7, legal matters. Vice Mayor Ralph Sutherland made a motion to enter into closed session; Ruby Coleman seconded the motion; a vote was taken and all members were in favor.
Reconvene into Open Session:
Mayor Jarvis Deel asked for a motion to go back into open session; Vice Mayor Ralph Sutherland made a motion to enter into open session; Herbert Branham seconded the motion; a vote was taken and all members were in favor.
Mayor Jarvis Deel stated he needed a second motion to certify all that was discussed in closed session was personnel and legal matters; Vice Mayor Ralph Sutherland made a motion that the only business that was identified going into executive session is all that was discussed and considered by the town council; Herbert Branham seconded the motion; Mayor Deel asked for a roll call vote: Ruby Coleman yes; Vice Mayor Ralph Sutherland yes; Stearl Branham yes; Herbert Branham yes; Mayor Jarvis Deel yes. Mayor Deel stated at this time I would like to reconvene into open session under code section 2.2-3712.
Donation Request for Prom:
Mayor Jarvis Deel opened the floor up to Amanda Perrigan to discus a donation request for Prom that will be hosted by the parents and co-hosted by Haysi Partners. Amanda explained how important this will be to the seniors, and asked for any questions; Peggy Kiser asked if it will be held at Ridgeview; Amanda stated it would not be at Ridgeview, it will be at the Breaks Interstate Park on July 25th. Greg Baker stated he wanted to advise the council that whatever money you all decide to give it has to go to the school it can’t be given out to an individual, it will have to go to Ridgeview. Amanda stated to Greg that the donation will go through the Haysi Partners and they have a 501C3. Greg stated it would have to go through an organization like that, and I think that would be fine, but there was some uncertainty that this would even happen or not. Are you any further down the road knowing that in fact this will happen; Amanda stated that they were definitely going to make this happen, the school is no longer part of it. Greg stated, I think once we know it is going to happen, and I think right now it is pretty pre-mature to turn over money, it will be ok to approve an amount of money, but I think it shouldn’t actually be turned over until you have the event ready to go, and then the town could write the check. Amanda stated that would be ok with her. Mayor Jarvis Deel made a motion to donate $250.00 for the Prom. Herbert Branham seconded the motion; a vote was taken and all members were in favor. This Donation will be made when the event is ready to go, and made payable to Haysi Partners.
Approval for all Tax Rates and Levies:
Mayor Deel stated at this time I would like a motion to leave all tax rates and levies the same, no changes for the FY 2020-21 with the change effective July 1, 2020. Ruby Coleman made a motion to leave all tax rates and levies the same, no changes for FY 2020-21; Herbert Branham seconded the motion; A vote was taken and all members were in favor.
Approval for Proposed 2020-21 Budget:
Mayor Jarvis Deel asked for a motion to approve the proposed budget for the FY 2020-21 and it will take effect July 1, 2020. Vice Mayor Ralph Sutherland made a motion to approve the budget for the FY 2020-21; Ruby Coleman seconded the motion; a vote was taken and all members were in favor.
Approval for Motor Vehicle Code 46.2:
Mayor Deel asked for a motion to approve the motor vehicle code 46.2 for the FY 2020-21 and to be put on file at the Clerk’s Office. Greg Baker explained to council what the motor vehicle code 46.2 meant to the town. Vice Mayor Ralph Sutherland made a motion to adopt the motor vehicle code 46.2; Herbert Branham seconded the motion; a vote was taken and all members were in favor.
Library Lockers:
Mayor Deel stated he had been talking to the library and what they are wanting to do is put some library lockers inside the town hall so people can come pickup books. Mayor Deel told council of where he plans on putting the lockers; Mayor Deel asked for a motion to accept them brining us a couple library lockers to store books in for anyone who wants to pick up the books. Ruby Coleman made a motion to allow the lockers to be set up in the town hall for use of the library and citizens to pickup books; Herbert Branham seconded the motion; a vote was taken and all members were in favor.
Public Comments:
Mayor Deel asked for public comments; an audience member addressed the town attorney, Greg Baker regarding questions about ordinances, the supplements and having a copy available, and when a copy could be available. Greg Baker explained the status on the ordinances where he is at in the process of updating them, and explained the nuisance ordinance.
An Audience member addressed the town attorney, Greg Baker regarding the legal process of a councilman getting elected. Greg explained how its not up to the town council to find out if someone is legal to sit on council it is up the electoral board. Greg explained the process of registering to be put on the ballet. Greg also explained the process of how to file a complaint and the process with doing that. Other discussion was made of legally sitting in a council seat regarding prior votes. Greg stated no, that would not be affected.
An audience member asked where the town limits where; Mayor Deel explained the locations of town limits. Also, the audience member commented on the bridge truing up Gilmore Street. Mayor Deel explained what will be happening with that bridge through VDOT.
An audience member asked who was in charge of the town’s website; Mayor Deel stated forward view takes care of our website; the audience member stated it hadn’t been update in a long time; Mayor Deel stated we will have it updated.
Council Comments:
Mayor Deel asked for council comments; Herbert Branham asked about the animal ordinance regarding lose animals running around Mill Street and in that area; Further discussion was made of a problem of animals being around the church up Mill Street and how the problem needs to be fixed. Herbert Branham relayed this issue on to the Ervinton District Supervisor, Peggy Kiser. Peggy stated she was unsure if there was an ordinance on that, but she will check and see.
Mayor Deel asked for a motion to adjourn; Vice Mayor Ralph Sutherland made a motion to adjourn; Herbert Branham seconded the motion; a vote was taken and all members were in favor.