March Minutes





MEMBERS PRESENT: Vice Mayor Ruby Coleman, Herbert Branham, Cynthia Ellis, Stearl Branham, Trevor Counts


MEMBER’S ABSENT:  Mayor Jarvis Deel, Jelane Mock




TOWN ATTORNEY:  Greg Baker (via telephone)


This meeting was held for view of the public and public comments via YouTube live.  Questions for the public was also available through You Tube Chat and call in.


Call to Order & Welcome by Vice Mayor:

Vice Mayor Ruby Coleman stated the meeting of town council will be called to order; a quorum is present.  At this time can we stand for the pledge of allegiance; (everyone stood towards the flag).  Vice Mayor Ruby Coleman asked for a moment of silence.

Approval of Minutes:

Vice Mayor Ruby Coleman asked council if they had a chance to review the minutes; Stearl Branham made a motion to approve the minutes; Herbert Branham seconded the motion; a vote was taken and all members were in favor.


Approval of the Bills:

Consent expenditures:

Vice Mayor Ruby Coleman asked council if they have had a chance to look at their consent expenditures she also asked if there was any discussion; Discussion was made of a few line items and amounts.  Vice Mayor Ruby Coleman asked for a motion to approve the consent expenditure report; Herbert Branham made a motion to approve the expenditure report; Stearl Branham seconded the motion; a vote was taken and Stearl Branham voted yes, Herbert Branham voted yes, Vice Mayor Ruby Coleman voted yes, Trevor Counts voted yes, Cynthia Ellis voted no with questions.  Vice Mayor Ruby Coleman asked Cynthia Ellis what questions.  Cynthia stated her questions and the Clerk and Vice Mayor Ruby Coleman answered accordingly. 


Additions to the Agenda:

Vice Mayor Ruby Coleman asked for any additions to the agenda: no additions were made to the agenda.

Approval of the Agenda:

Vice Mayor Ruby Coleman asked for a motion to approve the agenda; Herbert Branham made a motion to approve the agenda; Stearl Branham seconded the motion; a vote was taken and all members were in favor.


Old Business:

Verizon account:

Vice Mayor Ruby Coleman asked for discussion or a motion on the Verizon account that was tabled from the last meeting.  Cynthia Ellis made a motion that we stop payment on the Verizon account until we know something and then we can revisit the item; Stearl Branham seconded the motion; Vice Mayor Ruby Coleman amended the motion to suspend payment at this time until something changes and it can be revisited and a letter to be mailed out for notification; Hebert Branham seconded the motion; a vote was taken and all members were in favor.  


New Business:

Gilmore Street:

Vice Mayo Ruby Coleman explained to council that there is a drain pipe issue up Gilmore Street.  Ruby explained that we have talked to Peggy Kiser and she did come down to look at the drain pipes and she was going to check and see if she can help us.  We also contacted Boyds Construction to give us a quote and we are waiting on a quote.  Peggy also passed a name on to us and we will check with them as well.  Other discussion was made about replacing the drain pipes.  Vice Mayor Ruby Coleman stated that Randy Moore was kind enough to show her the drain pipes and explain the drain pipes to her.


Cigarette and Hot Meal Tax:

Vice Mayor Ruby Coleman stated that the taxes were supposed to due on the 15th of each month and they have been coming in late.  Greg Baker said he would do some research and get back with the clerk to advise of what can be done and then a letter could be sent out.

Public Comments:

Vice Mayor Ruby Coleman asked for any public comments and gave out loud a number citizens could call in if they had comments to make.  No comments/calls were made.


Council Comments:

Vice Mayor Ruby Coleman asked for council comments; Vice Mayor updated council on any progress with making Clinchco glow donations and stated to council that since we have donations, we need to open a checking account specifically for making Clinchco Glow; Stearl Branham made a motion to open a checking account for Making Clinchco Glow; Herbert Branham seconded the motion; a vote was taken and all members were in favor.

Greg Baker updated council on a phone call he had with Senator Warner regarding the next stimulus money the American rescue act the town will receive money and it will be split up in two different disbursements.



Herbert Branham made a motion to adjourn; Stearl Branham seconded the motion; a vote was taken and all members were in favor.