September Housing Minutes




MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Jarvis Deel, Don Hill, Virginia White, Trevor Counts

MEMBERS ABSENT 9/21/2017:  Frankie Gulley, Randy Moore

Town Attorney: Susan Woods

Town Clerk: Tina Deel

On 9/21/2017 the meeting was called to order by Chairman Jarvis Deel.


Welcoming and moment of silence:

Chairman Jarvis Deel, welcomed everyone to the meeting and called the meeting to order, and asked for a moment of silence. 


Approval of Minutes:

Chairman Jarvis Deel asked if everyone has had a chance to look over their minutes; as you all know we have not had a meeting since June.  Virginia White asked where the lawyer was at tonight; Chairman Deel stated she has not got here yet she must have had a case running a little late or something, I don’t know.  Chairman Deel stated at this time I will ask for a motion to approve the minutes; Don Hill stated so moved; Virginia White seconded the motion; a vote was taken and all members were in favor


Approval of the Treasurers Report:

Chairman Deel stated we have our treasurers reports there are three of them; one is the June report for the July meeting, then July treasurers report for August and then August for September.  Don Hill stated that it looked like the payments have picked up a little; Chairman Deel agreed.  Don stated wonder what we can attribute that to; Tina stated word of mouth probably.  Don stated word of mouth that is good advertising.  Chairman Deel stated at this time I will ask for a motion to approve all three sets of reports as is; Virginia White made the motion to approve the treasurers reports; Trevor Counts seconded the motion; a vote was taken and all members were in favor.


Additions to the agenda:

Chairman Deel asked if anyone had any additions they wanted to make to the agenda; Don Hill stated yes, I would like to go into closed session and discuss legal matters.  Chairman Deel stated it was already on the agenda.  Don stated it is; ok where is it, oh ok, closed session.  Chairman Deel stated right down there where it says closed session.  Don asked what the subject was; Chairman Deel stated legal matters.  Chairman Deel stated he would like to add something to the agenda before we approve it.  I would like to add Tina and Ralph on the housing board; we can move that to number 1 on the agenda and closed session can be number 2.  I will ask for an approval of the agenda with the change of #2 going to #1 and #1 going to #2 on the agenda.  Don Hill stated so moved; Trevor Counts seconded the motion.  A vote was taken and all members were in favor.


Old Business:

Amending the Housing bylaws:

Chairman Deel stated on amending the bylaws; he asked Susan if she ever got through all that.  Susan stated yes, I have given it to Don; Virginia White stated it was coming back that way.  Don asked did you want me to look at it; Susan stated yeah, that was fine.  Don read the paper out loud and stated this is presented by our learning council, Susan Woods; (Mr. Mayor, I rise to give previous notice that I will make a motion to amend our bylaws at the next meeting.  I will move to amend Article III, Section 3-1, by striking out “8 members” and inserting “5 members” Previous notice is given that at the next meeting we will consider an amendment to the bylaws to strike out “8member” from Article III, Section 3-1. ) Having read this to the public I will make a motion that the previous reading, I will put that in the form of a motion to accept this recommendation to the housing board to go from 8 members to 5 members.  Chairman Deel stated ok, that was put in the form of a motion, so previous notice is given at the next meeting we will consider an amendment to the bylaws to strike out 8 members and insert 5 members from article II, Section 3-1 and so with that being said I make a motion we do that do we have a second; Trevor Counts seconded the motion; a vote was taken and all members were in favor.  Chairman Jarvis Deel stated this is our 30 day notice legally by the sections and all, the next meeting we will be able to start the amendment of our bylaws


New Business:

Adding New Members to housing board:

Chairman Jarvis Deel stated he would like to make a motion for Tina and Ralph to be appointed to the housing board do I have a second on that motion; Trevor Counts seconded the motion; a vote was taken and were in favor.  Ok, that will be brought before the council to be decided on for them to be put on the housing board.


Closed Session:

Chairman Deel stated right now I will ask for a motion to go into executive session; Don Hill stated can I stop you just a second Mr. Chairman, uh this resignation letter is that something we need to take up now, if not I have a question about it for the town attorney.  Chairman Deel stated actually I figured we would….the resignation letter I have to give one to the council and let them know.  Don stated ok, so any resignation that is given from the housing board or anybody of the town that is required to be approved.  Susan Woods stated everything has to go through town council that is the way the bylaws are written, I don’t know if you can necessarily approve a resignation, obviously she’s…you know but.  Chairman Deel stated the resignations we never have approved the resignation letters if they resign we always just….Don stated well that was my question you know.  Susan stated I think you just need to make them aware of it.  Chairman Deel stated I also need to make council aware.  Don Hill stated I think that is in the Roberts Rules of order book.  Chairman Jarvis Deel asked for a motion to go into executive session; Don Hill stated so moved; Trevor Counts seconded the motion; a vote was taken and all members were in favor.  Chairman Deel stated the reason for going into executive session is for 2.2-3711 is for section 7, legal matters and section 3, also 4 protection privacy of individuals with personal matters not related to public business.  At this time we will convene in closed session.


Coming back into open session:

Chairman Deel stated ok, at this time I would like to declare this back into session as required by Virginia code paragraph D 2.2-3712 .  I would like to have a motion to re-convene into open session.  Don Hill stated so moved; Trevor Counts seconded the motion; a vote was taken and all members were in favor.  Chairman Deel stated at this time the only thing that was discussed was personal matter, and legal matters were discussed in the executive session with the housing board.  I need a motion on that; Trevor Counts made the motion; Virginia White seconded the motion; a vote was taken and all members were in favor. 


Visit with DHCD;

Chairman Deel stated now that we are back in open session do we have anybody that wants to make a motion about anything; Don Hill stated that he wanted to make a motion the we have the mayor gather up all the records pertaining to this grant this housing grant and take those records to Richmond and discuss with the DHCDA personnel or whomever is appropriate to try to resolve this other matters, but specifically weather or not the town can foreclose on the folks who are in violation of their agreements.  Trevor Counts seconded the motion; a vote was taken and all members were in favor.  Chairman Deel stated that the way this is going to have to work out is it will have to be after Clinchco Days before I can make that trip probably.  Don stated this problem is going on 10 years old and a few more days isn’t going to hurt.  Susan stated that she thought this is a great idea and it would possibly ease all of our minds. 


Public Comments:

No public comments were made


Housing Member Comments:

Chairman Deel stated at this time does any housing board member have any comments; Don stated it may not be appropriate for the housing but I a comment; for the public and I guess the housing board here in my humble opinion we probably have the best chance of getting the new elementary school in Clinchco that we have had since 2014.  There are indications that it is superior in terms with safety of students, numbers of students adjacent to this site opposed to other sites and it’s also looks as if the excavation and infrastructure utilities, costs are going to be much better than any other site, so I am probably more optimistic than I have ever been.  Does that mean it will be put here, does it mean politics might not come into the process; no it doesn’t mean that, but I think as we go forward the people who are concerned about the safety of the students and the tax payers in Dickenson County who will be surly added with some kind of tax increase if the school is put in the far north east corner of Dickenson County.  So any way you can support the process you should for two reasons 1) for the safety of the students 2) for the impact it will probably going to have on the tax payers if it is put in the wrong location.  Cost’s will be a third in my opinion it is important because you have to deal with costs for two site but the most important thing….Chairman Deel stated well, let me say something here.  Since this doesn’t have to do with housing let me go ahead and close our meeting out if no one has anything else about housing.  Don stated that he had said enough, Chairman Deel stated he was hoping that would come up in council meeting.  Don stated he wouldn’t have a chance to say much during the council meeting.



Don Hill stated that he would make a motion to adjourn; Trevor Counts seconded the motion; a vote was taken and all members were in favor. 

Meeting MinutesNathan Yates