October Housing Meeting Minutes
MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Jarvis Deel, Don Hill, Trevor Counts, Ralph Sutherland, Tina Deel
MEMBERS ABSENT 10/19/2017: Frankie Gulley, Randy Moore
Town Attorney: Susan Woods
Town Clerk: Tina Deel
On 10/19/2017 the meeting was called to order by Chairman Jarvis Deel.
Welcoming and moment of silence:
Chairman Jarvis Deel, welcomed everyone to the meeting and called the meeting to order, and asked for a moment of silence.
Approval of Minutes:
Chairman Jarvis Deel asked if everyone has had a chance to look over their minutes; Chairman Deel gave everyone more time to review the September Housing minutes. Don Hill requested that the minutes be put on the website at the time of completion and before they are approved at the meeting. Tina Deel agreed to do so. Chairman Jarvis Deel asked if anyone had any discussion about the minutes; no discussion was made. Trevor Counts made a motion to approve the minutes; Don Hill seconded the motion; a vote was taken and all members were in favor.
Approval of the Treasurers Report:
Chairman Deel asked if everyone has had time to look at their treasurer’s report; everyone had reviewed the report; and Chairman Deel requested a motion to approve the treasurer’s report; Trevor Counts made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report; Ralph Sutherland seconded the motion; a vote was taken and all members were in favor.
Additions to the agenda:
Chairman Deel asked if anyone had any additions they wanted to make to the agenda; Don Hill stated he wanted to make an addition. He wanted to add the possibility of a small business coming into the town of Clinchco. Chairman Deel stated that would be the council meeting and it was decided to wait to add it on the council agenda. Chairman Deel asked for an approval for the agenda as is; Trevor Counts made a motion to approve the agenda; Don Hill seconded the motion; a vote was taken and all members were in favor.
Old Business:
Chairman Deel stated this will also fall under the new housing as well. We got a letter from the Department of Housing Community Development; Chairman Deel read the letter out loud to the housing board members. Discussion was made regarding the letter between the housing members. Don asked Chairman Deel how he planned on following up on the letter; Chairman Deel stated we are supposed to be getting a call from Joy Rumely and Joe Blevins tomorrow at 11:00 am and that is to discuss this plus our old housing grant. That way we can try to hurry up the steps to get me an appointment up Richmond. More discussion was made about the upcoming phone conference and the best way to get ahold of the correct person to discuss the old housing grant with.
New Business:
Closed Session:
Chairman Deel stated right now I will ask for a motion to go into closed session under code section 2.2-3711 section 7, legal matters; Trevor Counts made a motion to enter into closed session; Ralph Sutherland seconded the motion; a vote was taken and all members were in favor.
Open Session:
Chairman Deel stated right now as required by the code section 2.2-3712, I will ask for a motion to reconvene back into open session; Trevor Counts made a motion to come back into open session; Ralph Sutherland seconded the motion; a vote was taken and all members were in favor. Chairman Deel stated he would like for someone to certify that all they was discussed was legal matters in closed session; Don Hill stated I will make a motion that all we discussed in closed session was legal matters. Ralph Sutherland seconded the motion; a vote was taken and all members were in favor.
Don Hill made a motion to allow the Town Attorney to take the next month to do whatever research he has to do to come back to us with an answer for this question. That okay with you; Susan stated no, you will have to be more specific. Susan stated that you want me to research who owns the piece of property for the deed of trust in the clerk’s office book 473 page 236. Don Hill made a motion for the attorney research deed of trust book 473 page 236 and answer for us who the lawful owner of that property would be. Ralph Sutherland seconded the motion; a vote was taken and all members were in favor.
Travel to Richmond:
Chairman Deel stated I know we have already made a motion for me to go to Richmond. I will update you all by phone or someway if I have to after we have our conversation with Joy Rumely and Joe Blevins tomorrow and see what is going to take to get set up. Chairman Deel discussed of how he felt the ball dropped on their end as well and how come we have never received phone calls back or any type of any kind of communication.
Public Comments:
No public comments were made
Housing Member Comments:
Chairman Deel stated at this time does any housing board member have any comments; Don Hill stated I think in the Virginia freedom of information act that these minutes can be shortened down to only include pertinent data. We are really taking a lot of Tina’s time trying to transcribe these minutes word by word. We don’t have to do that. What we have to do is keep this in safe keeping this (the recorder) is the back up to these minutes. Don Hill stated I guess we need a motion; Susan stated no, I don’t think you need a motion for it.
Ralph Sutherland made a motion to adjourn the meeting; Don Hill stated to Chairman Deel he had to entertain this motion, you have to vote it up or down. Chairman Deel stated he would have to vote it down right now. Don Hill stated no…..you got to call for a vote on it. Ralph Sutherland withdrew his motion to close.
Trevor Counts made a motion to adjourn; Chairman Deel seconded the motion; a vote was taken and all members were in favor.