February Meeting Minutes


MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Jarvis Deel, Stearl Branham, Hurbert “Poly” Branham, Virginia White

MEMBERS ABSENT: Trevor Counts, Vice Mayor Ralph Sutherland

TOWN CLERK: Tina Deel 


Call to Order & Welcome by Mayor
Mayor Jarvis Deel welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order and asked for a moment of silence and to also remember the people in Florida.

Approval of Minutes
Mayor Jarvis Deel asked if everyone has had time to look at the last minutes and if there is any discussion over the minutes.  No discussion was made; Stearl Branham made a motion to approve the minutes; Virginia White seconded the motion; a vote was taken and all members were in favor.

Approval of Treasurers Reports
Mayor Jarvis Deel asked if everyone has had a chance to look at their treasurer’s reports and if there is any discussion on the treasurer’s report; Mayor Deel stated if I can get a motion to approve both treasurers report (General and Police Dept.) we will do them both at the same time.  Poly asked what was the postage for tuning forks was; Mayor Deel explained that is what the Police Dept. uses for their radar.  Stearl Branham made a motion to approve both treasurers’ reports; Poly Branham seconded the motion; a vote was taken and all members were in favor

Mayor Jarvis Deel asked if anyone had any additions they would like to make to the agenda; Mayor Deel stated on his part he would like to change one section of the agenda; I would like to take #7 (closed session) under new business and move it under old business.  Mayor Deel made a motion to change the agenda to moving the  #7 closed session from new business to old business; Stearl Branham seconded the motion; a vote was taken and all members were in favor.  Mayor Deel asked for a motion to approve the agenda as is; Poly Branham made the motion to approve the agenda; Stearl Branham seconded the motion; a vote was taken and all members were in favor.

Old Business: 
Closed Session:
Mayor Jarvis Deel stated at this time he would like a motion to go into closed session, code section 2.2-3711 to discuss section 7, legal matters and section 4, personnel.  Stearl Braham made the motion to go into closed session; Poly Branham seconded the motion; a vote was taken and all members were in favor.

Coming back into open session:
Mayor Deel stated at this time I would like to reconvene the meeting and come back into session under code 2.2-3712.  With that being said I would like to get a motion that all that was discussed back there was legal and personnel matters; Virginia White made the motion; Poly Branham seconded the motion; a vote was taken and all members were in favor.  Mayor Deel asked for a roll call vote: Virginia White voted yes, Poly Branham voted yes, Stearl Branham voted yes, and Mayor Jarvis Deel voted yes.  Mayor Deel asked if anybody had any other old business that needed to be discussed.  

Dodge Police Car:
Virginia White made the motion to reconsider to keep the Dodge Police car in town and it doesn’t go out of town unless they are working; Poly Branham seconded the motion; a vote was taken and all members were in favor.  Susan stated that was a motion to reconsider it, now there can be discussion.  Mayor Deel asked if anyone had any discussion; Stearl Braham made a motion that we keep the white car, the Dodge down here in town.  Poly Branham seconded the motion; a vote was taken; Virginia White voted yes, Poly Branham voted yes, Stearl Branham voted yes, Mayor Jarvis Deel voted no.

New Business:
Haysi-Clinchco Lions Club:
Ann Branham, a member of the Haysi-Clinchco Lions Club presented a donation request to council, for the Easter Egg Hunt coming up March 31, 2018.  Also, the Haysi-Clinchco Lions Club will be helping with the Heritage Days/Clinchco Homecoming.  Poly Branham stated to council that he felt that the Town of Clinchco should be a sponsor, with a $500.00 donation.  The people who sponsor the Lions Club gets a plaque.  Mayor Deel stated that unfortunately Clinchco doesn’t have the revenue.  Also, Mayor Deel stated that the town roads are needing some upkeep.  Mayor Deel made a motion for $300.00; Virginia White asked the town attorney if it would be legal if they voted on it were she, Poly Branham, and Stearl Branham were all members of the Haysi-Clinchco Lions Club;  Susan stated she guessed as long as it wasn’t perceived as any type of self-dealing, it’s for a charity.  Virginia White made the motion for the town to partner and donate $500.00 for the Easter Egg Hunt; Poly Branham seconded the motion; a vote was taken; Virginia White voted yes, Poly Branham voted yes, Strearl Branham voted yes and Mayor Jarvis Deel voted no.

Bridge up Palmer Street:
Virginia White stated the bridge right there as you turn up Palmer Street will be down 2 or 3 weeks and thought maybe to go across the bridge on Gilmore Street and build it up and come out right there instead of going all the way across the back road.  They will be building a concrete bridge there and widening the road.  Discussion was made about how bad the back road is and needed work.  Mayor Deel stated that right now he is trying to find some kind of grant to get this done with.  I asked Boyd’s to come down and give us a price on it.  I mean if we can just get the water and breakage that would be good.  Virginia asked where the water was coming from.  Mayor Deel stated the drain pipes and explained how they ran the drain pipe.  Discussion of the grant and we were hoping to get some help with roads from that, but it wasn’t wrote up right.

After Prom Party:
Mayor Deel stated they are asking for a donation for the after prom party and I think that is a good deal too.  I would like to make a motion to give them at least $100.00 for the after prom party; Virginia White seconded the motion; a vote was taken and all members were in favor.

Resignation Letter:
Mayor Deel stated on the resignation letter; Pick finally signed his resignation letter and as you all know Don Hill has submitted a paper/letter showing his interest for sitting on council.  We can vote on it tonight, it will have to be the next meeting.  Poly Branham made a motion for Don Hill to sit on Council.  Stearl Branham seconded the motion; a vote was taken and all members were in favor.  Don Hill was advised from Mayor Deel that he could sit on the next meeting and he would have to put his name on the ballet in May.

Mayor Deel stated I was told to ask you all if you would be willing to pay $2,500.00 for the painting.  Discussion was made of how beautiful the painting is and that the artist was from France.  Virginia White made a motion for the town to not pay $2,500.00 for the painting; Poly Branham seconded the motion; a vote was taken and all members were in favor.

Council Comments:
Mayor Deel asked for council comments; Poly Branham stated after Don Hill sits on the council we should take a new picture of the council.  Council members agreed and the next time all are able to get together we will have the clerk take our picture.

Public Comments:
Mayor Jarvis Deel asked for public comments; Don Hill stated a couple of things, he thanked council for a vote of confidence and how much it meant to him.  Discussion over the painting and the roads that need upkeep and possibilities of places to maybe get some help from.  Tina stated that also everyone needed to keep in mind that we are going to have to have new computers soon.  The one we use now….when it goes to sleep you cannot wake it back up hardly.  Discussion of how clean the town is…..and discussion about New Camp a house up there that needs to be cleaned up.  Mayor Deel stated that he will send one of the officers up there with a nuisance ordinance and hopefully that will work.

Poly Branham made a motion to adjourn; Stearl Branham seconded the motion; a vote was taken and all members were in favor.

Meeting MinutesNathan Yates