April Council Minutes
MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Jarvis Deel, Vice Mayor Ralph Sutherland, Stearl Branham, Hurbert “Poly” Branham, Virginia White, Trevor Counts, Don Hill
Call to Order & Welcome by Mayor
Mayor Jarvis Deel welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order and asked for a moment of silence.
Approval of Minutes
Mayor Jarvis Deel asked if everyone has had time to look at the last minutes and if there is any discussion over the minutes. If no discussion, I would like to ask for a motion to approve the minutes as is; Vice Mayor Ralph Sutherland made a motion to approve the minutes; Stearl Branham seconded the motion; a vote was taken and all members were in favor.
Approval of Treasurers Reports
Mayor Jarvis Deel asked if everyone has had a chance to look at their treasurer’s reports and if there is any discussion on the treasurer’s report; I will ask for approval on the General and Police Department treasurers reports. Vice Mayor Ralph Sutherland made a motion to accept both treasurers reports; Don Hill stated he had a question on the police report; is there any kind of gasoline, any kind of repairs; Mayor Deel stated no, not this time. Tina stated it all gets paid out of the general account. Don Hill stated, but it is an expense on the Police Department. Don asked Tina if she had any idea of how much. Tina stated she thought they filled them up not too long ago, maybe $40.00. Don asked if there were any other expenses for the police dept that is not showing. Tina stated payroll taxes, but again that is taken out of the general account. They do purchase off of Galls, but that is shown on the police dept account. Mayor Deel stated we also reimburse ourselves from the police dept. Don stated, I think that will help if you put all that on the police dept report. Tina replied, ok I will start doing that. Don asked Mayor Deel if the police dept was running at a loss or…..Mayor Deel stated right now they are moving up and they are self-funding. Don Hill made a motion to show a summary on the police dept treasurer’s report of what the police dept spends, income and expenses. Poly Branham seconded the motion; a vote was taken and all members were in favor. Mayor Deel asked if anyone had any questions on the General account report; if no questions on the general account I will ask for an approval on the reports as is March and April; Vice Mayor Ralph Sutherland made the motion to approve both reports as is; Stearl Branham seconded the motion; a vote was taken and all members were in favor.
Mayor Jarvis Deel asked if anyone had any additions they would like to make to the agenda; If there are no additions to the agenda, I will ask for a motion to approve the agenda as is; Don Hill made a motion to approve the agenda; Stearl Branham seconded the motion; a vote was taken and all members were in favor.
Old Business:
Mayor Deel asked if anyone had any old business they wished to discuss; no old business was discussed
New Business:
Budget (public hearing)
Mayor Deel stated we need to make a motion to have a public hearing on our budget; The notice is hereby given that the town of Clinchco will conduct a public hearing at the town hall, Clinchco VA on May 17, 2018 at 5:30 pm for purposes of receiving public comments for the purposed reason of the towns budget and the imposition of taxes, levies and fees for the fiscal year 2018-19 all in pursuant to and with title 15.2 and title 58.1 of the code of Virginia, 1950 as amended. A brief synopsis of the Town budge and the rates and levies to be considered is provided as follows; (all rates remain the same) and the 2018-19 budget synopsis: Anticipated revenues. This needs to run in the paper the weeks of May 2nd and May 9th, the meeting will take place at the town hall at 5:30 May 17th. Don Hill made the motion to have the budget public hearing on May 17th at 5:30 pm. Virginia White seconded the motion; a vote was taken and all members were in favor.
Town Roads:
Mayor Deel stated on the town roads; Richie is going to get with me and we are going to go up through there and look at the mine opening up Gilmore Street. We will see what kind of shape it is in because all of this flooding and maybe, hopefully we can drag DMME into helping us with some of fixing this road seems a lot of the water comes from where that old mine is. Virginia White stated they were supposed to seal that old mines up. Mayor Deel stated no, it wasn’t. Me and Richie are going to go up there and look at it and I can let you know for sure then. Hopefully, we will get $70,000.00 from FEMA to help fix the roads. I have had McFall’s look at the roads and I am trying to get Boyd’s up there as well to look at the roads. But, whichever we can get the more bang for our buck then that is the one we need to go with. Vice Mayor Ralph Sutherland stated we need to get some more rock or gravel on the old post office road, it is getting to where you bottom out when you go around through there. Mayor Deel stated he hasn’t been up Shifty Lane in a while; I need to go and check it as well to see if it needs some gravel. Just get gravel for both if it needs it. Don Hill stated he wanted to make a comment about the DMME regarding a mine opening. I know they are really hot on drainage coming out of the mines that is high in sulfur they are required, the EPA to come and look. May need to have that water tested sometime to see if it has sulfur in it. Mayor Deel stated that he could grab a bottle of it sometime and go up there with Richie to check it. Ralph stated that we needed to get ahold of the state because right there where you go around it is there part and it is full of pot holes. Mayor Deel asked if it was 15 foot that state has; Susan stated she would have to check in on that to be sure. Mayor Deel stated he would talk to him see what he could get him to do, but he was having trouble getting the hole fixed going up towards the ball field. Mayor Deel stated if you want to we can vote on buying the gravel next meeting after I go look at Shifty Lane that way we can just do them both at the same time if we have too.
Vandalism at the Ball Field:
Mayor Deel stated they have kicked the bathroom doors in up at the ball field. I fixed them back again. I have got a call into our new AEP guy, Lester Hill and see if he can come up and look maybe set us up a street light up and point it towards the bathrooms and if we can get some set up and the cameras can catch whoever is doing that the camera’s we have won’t catch that far out in the dark. Jarvis and Ralph discuss the location of where the lights need to be.
Police Department:
Don Hill made a motion to table the subject until next meeting and Tina pulls the summary together for income and expenses. Ralph Sutherland seconded the motion; a vote was taken and all members were in favor.
Council Comments:
Mayor Deel asked for council comments; Vice Mayor Ralph Sutherland stated he had two questions, I have been asked this question and I am going to ask and find out, it is addressed to two of the council members, Stearl and Don do you live in the town of Clinchco; Don stated I am a resident of Dickenson County and my son lives in the house and I stay…….Ralph stated yes or no; Don stated yes. Stearl replied yes, I do. Don stated is there some reason you asked me that; Ralph stated yes, I just wanted to know. Poly Branham asked about the Clinchco Fire Department, the Rino Lining; Mayor Deel stated yes, that come out of their ATL money. Don Hill stated that he felt they have come a long way with the school coming to Clinchco. Don asked council to come out and support Clinchco at the next school board meeting and asked council to spread the word and have citizens come out as well.
Public Comments:
Ann Branham thanked council for their donation to the Easter Egg Hunt and the town would be receiving a plaque for being a sponsor. They had a great crowd that came to the hunt.
Ralph Sutherland made a motion to adjourn; Poly Branham seconded the motion; a vote was taken and all members were in favor.