May Council Meeting Minutes




MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Jarvis Deel, Vice Mayor Ralph Sutherland, Stearl Branham, Herbert Branham, Virginia White, Trevor Counts, Don Hill


TOWN CLERK: Tina Deel  


Call to Order & Welcome by Mayor

Mayor Jarvis Deel welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order and asked for a moment of silence.

Approval of Minutes

Mayor Jarvis Deel asked if everyone has had time to look at the last minutes and if there is any discussion over the minutes.

Approval of Treasurers Report’s

Mayor Jarvis Deel asked if everyone has had a chance to look at their treasurer’s reports and if there is any discussion on the treasurer’s report; Herbert Branham asked what the payment was for BB&T – Intuit.  Tina explained that was part of the payroll system she used through QuickBooks.  Mayor Deel stated to Don Hill on the Police Dept. treasurer’s report that the gas bill was noted but was before the last meeting so next time it will be coming out of their account.  Don asked about payroll taxes; Tina replied to Don by saying she had already paid the first quarter taxes but will break it down on the report for the second quarter.  Don Hill made the motion to approve both treasurer’s reports as is; Virginia White seconded the motion; a vote was taken and all members were in favor.


Mayor Jarvis Deel asked if anyone had any additions they would like to make to the agenda; Don Hill stated he would like to be added to speak about the school situation.  It was agreed to put that under Council member comments.  Herbert Branham made a motion to approve the agenda; Stearl Branham seconded the motion; a vote was taken and all members were in favor.

Old Business:

Budget (public hearing)

Mayor Deel stated we have given legal notice with this public hearing that we have had.  We don’t vote on it today, we will vote on it at next month’s meeting.

Housing Public Hearing:

Mayor Deel stated we will have to vote on the Housing Public Hearing;

The town of Clinchco, Virginia, by its duly elected Town Council, the governing body of the Town of Clinchco hereby records its vote on the above amendment as follows:

·      Chairman Deel stated to amend the by-laws section 3-1, shall be amended and read in its entirety as follows.  The board shall consist of 5 members, Including the Mayor, 2 Town Council Members.  The Project Director shall serve as an ex-officio non-voting member of the board.  The administrating staff will include the program manager, housing specialist, and two resident liaisons in the project area who will be known as the spark plugs.  The administrative staff members shall serve as ex-officio non-voting members of the board.  The board shall be knowledgeable of the housing needs in the town of Clinchco and will receive a copy of the Clinchco housing program design and other relevant documents upon appointment to the board.  Which as far as the administrative staff they are non-voting members and actually we will not need that until we get to another project.  All we are doing is striking down 8 members to 5 members.

Roll Call Vote:

Mayor Jarvis Deel: Aye, Trevor Counts: Aye, James Ralph Sutherland: Aye, Virginia White: Aye, Don Hill: Aye, Stearl Branham: Aye, Herbert Branham: Aye

Update on Town Roads:

Mayor Deel stated as an update on the town roads, right now we are still waiting on an estimate from Mcfall’s Excavating and what it is Richard is going to have to have a written estimate to turn into FEMA.  Boyd’s Construction never came down to look at it, I asked them about three times and they never came down.  As a rough estimate, I gave them is $700,000.00.

Update on Ball Field:

Mayor Deel stated as an update on the ball field: we got the new lights up there.  Once we get the doors fixed, which Herbert’s son is supposed to come and we are going to try welding on them.  With them lights we have up there now, it doesn’t matter what time they come up there we will be able to catch them. 

Closed Session:

Mayor Deel stated right now I would like to ask for a motion to go into closed session for personal and legal matters; code section 2.2-3711 section 7 and section 4.  Don Hill made the motion to go into closed session; Virginia White seconded the motion; a vote was taken and all members were in favor.

Open Session:

Mayor Deel stated at this time I would like to declare this back into an open session according to code 2.2-3712 and I’d like a motion to go back into open session; Ralph Sutherland made the motion to go back into open session; Trevor Counts seconded the motion; a vote was taken and all members were in favor.  Mayor Deel stated at this time I would like to get a motion that all that was discussed in closed session was personnel and legal matters; Don Hill made the motion that all was discussed was personnel and legal matters; Stearl Branham seconded the motion; a vote was taken and all members were in favor.

Police Department:

Mayor Deel stated at this time I would like to bring up a motion to ask for the resignation of our officers after I get the information from Susan to make sure we are doing it the right way; Herbert Branham made the motion as well; Ralph Sutherland seconded the motion; a vote was taken and all members were in favor.  Mayor Deel stated I would like to make another motion that we also get those other two officers and get them put on as soon as possible.  Herbert Branham made that motion as well; Trevor Counts seconded the motion; a vote was taken and all members were in favor.

New Business:

Clintwood Lions Club:

Mayor Jarvis Deel stated that he has a letter from the Clintwood Lions Club asking for a $50.00 donation for a golf tournament to sponsor a hole.  And this will go towards to kids.  Ralph Sutherland made the motion to make a donation of $50.00; Trevor Counts seconded the motion; a vote was taken and all members were in favor.

Car Show:

Mayor Deel stated next is the car show; it’s never too early to start doing a little something.  Everyone really loved the car show we had at the ball field though Clinchco Days.  Mike told me that he would help donate anything he can to help put the car show on.  Basically, I figure if we put the car show on we will be charging for the entries and get some trophies.  Maybe have something like they have never done before like a bonfire car show have it of the evening and have a little band.  What money we can draw for that we can put in towards our Clinchco Days.  Don Hill made a motion for us to go ahead and start getting things together for the car show; Stearl Branham seconded the motion; Ralph Sutherland made a motion to consider the car show and leave it up to Jarvis to pick a date, time and all, and let us know what was going on.  Don stated to Ralph that is what we are talking about.  A vote was taken and all members were in favor.

Council Comments:

Mayor Deel asked for council comments; Don Hill stated that he wanted to discuss the school situation.  I feel we stand a very good chance in getting the school put in Clinchco if we can get some support over there to back us up and to show some interest from the Ervington District, Clinchco and even towards Clintwood.  The two things to remember about this school is #1) I have the school system data to prove it, it will be a shorter ride for all the children from the eastern part of the county to come to Clinchco. #2) the taxpayers of Dickenson County because if you put the school on Ridgeview you’re going to be hauling the children a longer distance, more fuel, more tires and more insurance and over a 50 year of time which is the approximate life of the school it is going to be millions of dollars of difference.  Really we need to find a way to rally everyone together.  More discussion was made regarding the school and possibly how to rally everyone together.

Public Comments:

Mayor Deel asked for public comments:  Ann Branham stated she had a comment; Ann presented the Town of Clinchco with the plaque where The Town of Clinchco helped sponsor the Easter Egg Hunt.

Wayne Powers asked if we knew anything about the four wheeling, trailheads coming this way; Mayor Deel stated right now they have about broken all communication with me.  I haven’t heard from them in a while.  A few months ago I spoke with them and I told them I was still interested, but that was it and that was about 4 months ago. 


Ralph Sutherland made a motion to adjourn; Stearl Branham seconded the motion; a vote was taken and all members were in favor.