August Housing Meeting Minutes
MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Jarvis Deel, Trevor Counts, Ralph Sutherland, Tina Deel
Town Attorney: Susan Woods
Town Clerk: Tina Deel
On 8/16/2018 the meeting was called to order by Chairman Jarvis Deel.
Welcoming and moment of silence:
Chairman Jarvis Deel, welcomed everyone to the meeting and called the meeting to order, and asked for a moment of silence.
Approval of Minutes:
Chairman Jarvis Deel asked if everyone has had a chance to look over their minutes; and if they have does anyone have any questions over the minutes; discussion was made about the minutes. Chairman Deel made a motion to pass the minutes; Ralph Sutherland seconded the motion; a vote was taken and all members were in favor.
Approval of the Treasurers Report:
Chairman Deel asked if everyone has had time to look at their treasurer’s report; Ralph Sutherland made a motion to pass the treasurers report; Trevor Counts seconded the motion; a vote was taken and all members were in favor.
Additions to the agenda:
Chairman Deel asked if anyone had any additions they wanted to make to the agenda; Closed Session was added to the agenda. Trevor Counts made a motion to approve the agenda with the addition of closed session; Ralph Sutherland seconded the motion; a vote was taken and all members were in favor.
Old Business:
Removing members names:
Ralph Sutherland made a motion to remove two names from the housing board due to them not showing up for several meetings. Trevor Counts seconded the motion; a vote was taken and all members were in favor. Names: Frankie Gulley and Randy Moore.
Closed Session: Chairman Deel stated we will need to go into closed session for personal and legal matters; under code 2.2-3711 section 7, and section 4. Ralph Sutherland made a motion to go into closed session; Trevor Counts seconded the motion; a vote was taken and all members were in favor.
Open Session:
Chairman Deel stated at this time he would like to get a motion to reconvene into open session; as declared by paragraph D, code section 2.2-3712. Ralph Sutherland made a motion to come back into open session; Trevor Counts seconded the motion; a vote was taken and all members were in favor.
Chairman Deel stated at this time I would like someone to make a motion that the only thing that in closed session was discussed is personal or legal matters were identified in a motion convening to the closed meeting was heard and discussed by the housing board; Ralph Sutherland made the motion that all was discussed in closed session was personal or legal matters; Trevor Counts seconded the motion; a vote was taken and all members were in favor.
New Business:
New Meeting dates:
Chairman Deel stated that he wanted to make a motion that we cut our meeting down to one meeting per quarter. If at such time and we get a new project awarded to us then the housing board will go back to regular monthly meetings. Ralph Sutherland seconded the motion; a vote was taken and all members were in favor. The next meeting will take place in November.
Public Comments:
Chairman Deel asked for public comment; no public comments were made.
Housing Member Comments:
Chairman Deel asked for housing member comments; no comments were made
Ralph Sutherland made a motion to adjourn the meeting; Chairman Deel seconded the motion; a vote was taken and all members were in favor.