July Housing Meeting Minutes
MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Jarvis Deel, Trevor Counts, Virginia White, Don Hill, Tina Deel
MEMBERS ABSENT 7/19/2018: Frankie Gulley, Randy Moore, Ralph Sutherland
Town Attorney: Susan Woods
Town Clerk: Tina Deel
On 7/19/2018 the meeting was called to order by Chairman Jarvis Deel.
Welcoming and moment of silence:
Chairman Jarvis Deel, welcomed everyone to the meeting and called the meeting to order, and asked for a moment of silence.
Approval of Minutes:
Chairman Jarvis Deel asked if everyone has had a chance to look over their minutes; and if so does anyone have any discussion over the minutes; no discussion was made. Don Hill made the motion to approve the minutes as presented; Trevor Counts seconded the motion; a vote was taken and all members were in favor.
Approval of the Treasurers Report:
Chairman Deel asked if everyone has had time to look at their treasurer’s report; and if anyone had any discussion over the report. No discussion was made. Don Hill made a motion to approve the treasurer's report; Trevor Counts seconded the motion; a vote was taken and all members were in favor.
Additions to the agenda:
Chairman Deel asked if anyone had any additions they wanted to make to the agenda; no additions were added; Don Hill made a motion to approve the agenda; Virginia White seconded the motion; a vote was taken and all members were in favor.
Old Business:
Deeds of Trust:
Trevor Counts asked about the deeds of trust that were voted on last meeting and what was going to happen; Chairman Deel stated the council voted and passed for the release of the deeds. Susan will start the process on releasing the deeds. Trevor asked since it was June and as of June we no longer have no housing; Chairman Deel stated yes, it is best for us to keep the housing until all of the deeds are released and then we can restructure and hang on to the same housing members we have if we go for another grant. That way we will already be in place and have a head start if we get another grant.
Closed Session: Chairman Deel stated we will need to go into closed session for personal and legal matters; under code 2.2-3711 section 7, and section 4. Don Hill made the motion to go into closed session; Trevor Counts seconded the motion to go into closed session; a vote was taken and all members were in favor.
Open Session:
Chairman Deel stated at this time he would like to get a motion to reconvene into open session; as declared by paragraph D, code section 2.2-3712. Trevor Counts made a motion to go back into open session; Don Hill seconded that motion; a vote was taken and all members were in favor.
Chairman Deel stated he needed a motion that all that was discussed was legal and personal matters; Don Hill made a motion that all was discussed was legal and personal matters; Virginia White seconded the motion; a vote was taken and all members were in favor.
Don Hill made a motion to ask the attorney, Susan Wood to do some research or whatever she needs to determine whether the Town and the Members of the Housing Board are immune from prosecution as long as the Housing Board Members are acting within their authorized scope. Trevor Counts seconded the motion; a vote was taken and all members were in favor.
New Business:
Moving Forward:
Chairman Deel asked if anyone had any new business to discuss; discussion was made of who they should talk to about being administrator over the new grant. Chairman Deel stated he will find out when the grant will become open again. No other business was discussed.
Public Comments:
Chairman Deel asked for public comment; no public comments were made.
Housing Member Comments:
Chairman Deel asked for housing member comments; no comments were made
Don Hill made a motion to adjourn the meeting; Virginia White seconded the motion; a vote was taken and all members were in favor.